US Wildflower's Database of Red Wildflowers for Maine Click on thumbnail for larger version of image, scientific name for detail page. *=Multiple images on detail page |
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Anemone: Sharp-lobed Hepatica, Liverleaf, Liverwort Anemone acutiloba* (Native) Family: Ranunculaceae - Buttercup family | Anemone: Round-lobed Hepatica, Liverleaf Anemone americana* (Native) Family: Ranunculaceae - Buttercup family | Aster: New England Aster, Michaelmas-daisy Symphyotrichum novae-angliae* (Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family | Barberry: Shrub Yellowroot Xanthorhiza simplicissima* (Native) Family: Ranunculaceae - Buttercup family |
Bee Plant: Rocky Mountain Bee Plant, Stinking Clover, Skunk Weed, Navajo Spinach Peritoma serrulata* (Native) Family: Cleomaceae - Spiderflower Family | Beechdrops: Beechdrops, Cancer Drops, Clapwort, Virginia Broomrape Epifagus virginiana* (Native) Family: Orobanchaceae - Broom-rape family | Bergamot, Beebalm: Wild Bergamot Monarda fistulosa* (Native) Family: Lamiaceae - Mint family | Bergamot, Beebalm: Crimson Bee Balm, Scarlet Bergamot, Scarlet Beebalm, Oswego Tea Monarda didyma* (Native) Family: Lamiaceae - Mint family |
Bittercress: Cutleaf Toothwort Cardamine concatenata* (Native) Family: Brassicaceae - Mustard family | Blackberry: Purple-flowering Raspberry, Thimbleberry Rubus odoratus* (Native) Family: Rosaceae - Rose family | Blanketflower: Indian Blanket, Indian Blanketflower, Firewheel Gaillardia pulchella* (Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family | Bleeding Heart: Squirrel Corn, Wild turkey-pea, Turkey Corn, Colicweed, Ghost Corn, Lyre Flower Dicentra canadensis* (Native) Family: Fumariaceae - Fumitory family |
Bluebells: Virginia Bluebells Mertensia virginica* (Native) Family: Boraginaceae - Borage family | Broomrape: One-flowered Broomrape ; One-flowered Cancer Root, Ghostpipe, Naked Broomrape Orobanche uniflora* (Native) Family: Orobanchaceae - Broom-rape family | Burnet: Small Burnet, Salad burnet, Garden burnet Sanguisorba minor* (Introduced) Family: Rosaceae - Rose family | Clover: Red Clover, Cowgrass Trifolium pratense (Introduced) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family |
Clover: Crimson Clover, Italian Clover Trifolium incarnatum (Introduced) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family | Cohosh: Blue Cohosh Caulophyllum thalictroides* (Native) Family: Berberidaceae - Barberry family | Columbine: Eastern Red Columbine, Wild Columbine Aquilegia canadensis* (Native) Family: Ranunculaceae - Buttercup family | Cottongrass: Virginia Cottongrass, Tawny Cottongrass, Rusty Cotton Grass Eriophorum virginicum* (Native) Family: Cyperaceae - Sedge family |
Daylily: Common Daylily, Tawny Daylily, Orange Daylily Hemerocallis fulva* (Introduced) Family: Liliaceae - Lily family | Deadnettle: Henbit, Henbit Deadnettle Lamium amplexicaule (Introduced) Family: Lamiaceae - Mint family | Deadnettle: Purple Deadnettle, Red Deadnettle, Purple Archangel Lamium purpureum* (Introduced) Family: Lamiaceae - Mint family | Fairy Slipper: Calypso Orchid, Fairy Slipper, Venus Slipper, Angel Slipper, Deer's Head Orchid Calypso bulbosa* (Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family |
False Foxglove: Slender Gerardia, Slenderleaf False Foxglove Agalinis tenuifolia* (Native) Family: Orobanchaceae - Broom-rape family | False-buckwheat: Japanese Knotweed, Crimson Beauty, Mexican bamboo, Japanese Fleece Flower, Reynoutria Fallopia japonica* (Introduced) Family: Polygonaceae - Buckwheat family | Fireweed: Fireweed, Narrow-leaf fireweed, Willow Herb, Rosebay Willow Herb, Blooming Sally Chamerion angustifolium* (Native) Family: Onagraceae - Evening Primrose family | Fleabane: Eastern daisy fleabane Erigeron annuus* (Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family |
Fleabane: Philadelphia Fleabane Erigeron philadelphicus* (Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family | Fleabane: Robin's Plantain Erigeron pulchellus* (Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family | Fringed Orchid: Small Purple Fringed Orchid, Lesser Purple Fringed Orchid, Lesser Purple Fringed Bog-orchid Platanthera psycodes* (Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family | Geranium: Wild Geranium, Spotted geranium, Cranesbill Geranium maculatum* (Native) Family: Geraniaceae - Geranium family |
Geranium: Carolina Geranium, Carolina Cranesbill Geranium carolinianum* (Native) Family: Geraniaceae - Geranium family | Germander: American Germander, Wood Sage, Canada Germander Teucrium canadense* (Native) Family: Lamiaceae - Mint family | Glechoma: Ground Ivy, Gill-over-the-ground, Haymaids, Creeping Charlie Glechoma hederacea (Introduced) Family: Lamiaceae - Mint family | Grass Pink: Common Grass Pink, Bearded Pink, Swamp Pink, Tuberous Grass Pink, Meadow Gift Calopogon tuberosus* (Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family |
Groundnut: Groundnut, Potato Bean, Indian Potato, Virginia Potato, Wild Bean, Wild Sweet Potato Apios americana* (Native) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family | Hawkweed: Orange Hawkweed, Devil's Paintbrush Hieracium aurantiacum* (Introduced) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family | Honeysuckle: Trumpet Honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens* (Native) Family: Caprifoliaceae - Honeysuckle family | Hound's tongue: Houndstongue, Hound's Tongue, Gypsyflower Cynoglossum officinale* (Introduced) Family: Boraginaceae - Borage family |
Indian Paintbrush: Scarlet Indian Paintbrush, Scarlet Paintbrush, Painted Cup, Prairie Fire Castilleja coccinea* (Native) Family: Orobanchaceae - Broom-rape family | Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Indian Turnip: Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Indian Turnip, Jack in the Pulpit, Arisaema triphyllum* (Native) Family: Araceae - Arum family | Jimsonweed: Sacred Datura, Sacred Thorn-apple, Indian Apple, Angel Trumpet Datura wrightii* (Native) Family: Solanaceae - Potato family | Joe Pye Weed: Hollow Joe Pye Weed, Trumpetweed, Tubular Thoroughwort, Hollow-stemmed Joe-pye-weed Eutrochium fistulosum* (Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family |
Joe Pye Weed: Spotted Joe Pye Weed, Purple Boneset, Spotted Trumpetweed Eutrochium maculatum* (Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family | Ladyslipper: Pink Ladyslipper, Moccasin Flower
Cypripedium acaule* (Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family | Laurel: Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia (Native) Family: Ericaceae - Heath family | Lily: Wood Lily, Mountain Lily Lilium philadelphicum* (Native) Family: Liliaceae - Lily family |
Lionsheart: Obedient Plant, False Dragonhead, Obedience Physostegia virginiana* (Native) Family: Lamiaceae - Mint family | Lobelia: Cardinal Flower, Scarlet Lobelia Lobelia cardinalis* (Native) Family: Campanulaceae - Bellflower family | Loosestrife: Purple Loosestrife, Rosy Strife, Kill Weed Lythrum salicaria* (Introduced) Family: Lythraceae - Loosestrife family | Lopseed: Lopseed, American Lopseed Phryma leptostachya* (Native) Family: Phrymaceae - Lopseed Family |
Lousewort: Wood Betony; Canadian Lousewort Pedicularis canadensis (Native) Family: Orobanchaceae - Broom-rape family | Maple: Red Maple, Swamp Maple, Soft Maple Acer rubrum (Native) Family: Aceraceae - Maple family | Meadow-rue: Rue Anemone, Anemone Meadow-rue Thalictrum thalictroides* (Native) Family: Ranunculaceae - Buttercup family | Milkweed: Butterfly Milkweed, Butterfly Weed, Pleurisy Root, Orange Milkweed Asclepias tuberosa* (Native) Family: Apocynaceae - Dogbane family |
Milkweed: Common Milkweed, Silkweed Asclepias syriaca* (Native) Family: Apocynaceae - Dogbane family | Milkweed: Swamp Milkweed, Western Swamp Milkweed, Pink Milkweed, Eastern Swamp Milkweed Asclepias incarnata* (Native) Family: Apocynaceae - Dogbane family | Milkwort, Polygala: Drumheads, Crossleaf Milkwort, Candy Root Polygala cruciata* (Native) Family: Polygalaceae - Milkwort family | Morning Glory: Ivyleaf Morning Glory, Entireleaf Morningglory, Small Morning Glory Ipomoea hederacea* (Introduced) Family: Convolvulaceae - Morning-glory family |
Nightshade: Carolina Horse Nettle, Bull Nettle, Devil's Tomato Solanum carolinense (Native) Family: Solanaceae - Potato family | Noddingcaps: Three Bird Orchid, Threebirds, Nodding Pogonia, Nodding Ettercap Triphora trianthophoros* (Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family | Onion: Wild Garlic, Meadow Garlic Allium canadense (Native) Family: Amaryllidaceae - Amaryllis family | Pea: Perennial Pea, Sweet Pea, Everlasting Pea Lathyrus latifolius (Introduced) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family |
Phacelia: Threadleaf Phacelia, Narrow Leaved Phacelia, Carson's Phacelia, Threadleaf Scorpionweed Phacelia linearis* (Native) Family: Hydrophyllaceae - Waterleaf family | Phlox: Fall Phlox; Garden phlox Phlox paniculata (Native) Family: Polemoniaceae - Phlox family | Pink: Deptford Pink, Mountain Pink Dianthus armeria* (Introduced) Family: Caryophyllaceae - Pink family | Pogonia: Rose Pogonia, Snakemouth Orchid, Rose Crested Orchid, Beard Flower, Sweet Crest Orchid Pogonia ophioglossoides* (Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family |
Rhododendron: Rosebay Rhododendron, Great Laurel, White Laurel Rhododendron maximum (Native) Family: Ericaceae - Heath family | Rocket: Dame's Rocket, Damask Violet, Night-scented Gilliflower, Queen's Gilliflower, Mother-of-the-evening, Summer Lilac Hesperis matronalis* (Introduced) Family: Brassicaceae - Mustard family | Rose : Multiflora Rose Rosa multiflora* (Introduced) Family: Rosaceae - Rose family | Rose: Swamp Rose, Marsh Rose Rosa palustris* (Native) Family: Rosaceae - Rose family |
Rose: Dog Rose, Dog Brier, Common Briar Rosa canina* (Introduced) Family: Rosaceae - Rose family | Selfheal: Heal-All, Common Selfheal Prunella vulgaris* (Native) Family: Lamiaceae - Mint family | Sherardia: Field Madder, blue fieldmadder, Spurwort Sherardia arvensis (Introduced) Family: Rubiaceae - Madder family | Showy orchis, Galearis: Showy Orchis, Showy Orchid, Purple-hooded Orchid, Gay Orchid, Purple Orchis, Two-leaved orchis Galearis spectabilis* (Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family |
Skullcap: Small Skullcap, Dwarf Skullcap, Little Skullcap Scutellaria parvula* (Native) Family: Lamiaceae - Mint family | Smartweed: Water Knotweed, Swamp Smartweed, Water Smartweed Persicaria amphibia* (Native) Family: Polygonaceae - Buckwheat family | Smartweed: Dotted Smartweed, Dotted Knotweed, Water Smartweed Persicaria punctata* (Native) Family: Polygonaceae - Buckwheat family | Snowberry: Common Snowberry, Upright Snowberry Symphoricarpos albus* (Native) Family: Caprifoliaceae - Honeysuckle family |
Snowberry, Wintergreen: Eastern Teaberry, American Wintergreen, Checkerberry Gaultheria procumbens* (Native) Family: Ericaceae - Heath family | Soapwort: Cowcockle, Cow Soapwort, Cowherb Vaccaria hispanica* (Introduced) Family: Caryophyllaceae - Pink family | Soapwort: Bouncing Bet, Common Soapwort, Crow Soap, Wild Sweet William, Soapweed Saponaria officinalis* (Introduced) Family: Caryophyllaceae - Pink family | Spindletree: Burningbush, Eastern Wahoo, Spindle Tree, Indian Arrow-Wood Euonymus atropurpureus* (Native) Family: Celastraceae - Bittersweet family |
Spiraea: White Meadowsweet, Narrowleaf Meadowsweet, Eastern Meadowsweet, Broadleaf Meadowsweet Spiraea alba* (Native) Family: Rosaceae - Rose family | Spring Beauty: Carolina Spring Beauty, Wide-leaved Spring Beauty Claytonia caroliniana* (Native) Family: Portulacaceae - Purslane family | Storksbill: Crane's Bill Geranium, Redstem Stork's Bill, Storksbill, Redstem Filaree, Heron's Bill Erodium cicutarium* (Introduced) Family: Geraniaceae - Geranium family | Thistle: Bull Thistle, Spear Thistle Cirsium vulgare (Introduced) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family |
Thistle: Yellow Thistle, Common Yellow Thistle, Spiny Thistle, Bigspine Thistle, Southern Yellow Thistle, Horrible Thistle Cirsium horridulum* (Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family | Ticktrefoil: Nakedflower Ticktrefoil, Naked-Flowered Tick Trefoil, Naked-stemmed Tick Clover Desmodium nudiflorum* (Native) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family | Touch-me-not : Jewelweed, Touch-me-not, Spotted jewelweed Impatiens capensis* (Native) Family: Balsaminaceae - Touch-me-not family | Trailing Arbutus: Trailing Arbutus, Ground Laurel, Mayflower, Plymouth Mayflower Epigaea repens* (Native) Family: Ericaceae - Heath family |
Trillium: Red Trillium, Stinking Benjamin, Red Wakerobin, Wet Dog Trillium, Purple Wakerobin Trillium erectum* (Native) Family: Liliaceae - Lily family | Trumpet Flower: Narrowleaf Collomia, Tiny Trumpet, Narrow-leaf Mountain Trumpet Collomia linearis* (Native) Family: Polemoniaceae - Phlox family | Turtlehead: Red Turtlehead, Pink Turtlehead, Lyon's Turtlehead, Appalachian Turtlehead Chelone lyonii* (Native) Family: Scrophulariaceae - Figwort family | Vetch: Crown Vetch, Purple Crown Vetch, Axseed, Hive Vine Coronilla varia* (Introduced) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family |
Viper's Bugloss: Viper's Bugloss, Blueweed, Blue Devil, Blue Borage, Common Echium Echium vulgare* (Introduced) Family: Boraginaceae - Borage family | Wood Sorrel: Mountain Wood Sorrel, Northern Wood Sorrel. Oxalis montana (Native) Family: Oxalidaceae - Wood-Sorrel family | |
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