Wildflowers of the United States
Family Index - All States
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US Wildflower's Database of Family
Wildflowers for Alabama
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Example: Enter "lob" in the common name field and you'll get all our species that have "
elia" in the common name, as well as "sharp-
ed hepatica".
Asiatic Dayflower, Mouse Ears, Dew Herb
Commelina communis
(Introduced) Family: Commelinaceae - Spiderwort family
Virginia Dayflower
Commelina virginica*
(Native) Family: Commelinaceae - Spiderwort family
Zigzag Spiderwort, Wideleaf Spiderwort
Tradescantia subaspera*
(Native) Family: Commelinaceae - Spiderwort family
Virginia Spiderwort
Tradescantia virginiana
(Native) Family: Commelinaceae - Spiderwort family
Search Our Database: Enter any portion of the Scientific, Common Name, or both.
Scientific name:
Common name:
Example: Enter "lob" in the common name field and you'll get all our species that have "
elia" in the common name, as well as "sharp-
ed hepatica".
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Alabama Wildflower ID References
Alaska Wildflower ID References
Arkansas Wildflower ID References
Arizona Wildflower ID References
California Wildflower ID References
Colorado Wildflower ID References
Connecticut Wildflower ID References
Georgia Wildflower ID References
Florida Wildflower ID References
Delaware Wildflower ID References
Hawaii Wildflower ID References
Idaho Wildflower ID References
Illinois Wildflower ID References
Indiana Wildflower ID References
Iowa Wildflower ID References
Kansas Wildflower ID References
Kentucky Wildflower ID References
Louisiana Wildflower ID References
Maine Wildflower ID References
Maryland Wildflower ID References
Massachusetts Wildflower ID References
Michigan Wildflower ID References
Minnesota Wildflower ID References
Mississippi Wildflower ID References
Missouri Wildflower ID References
Montana Wildflower ID References
Nebraska Wildflower ID References
Nevada Wildflower ID References
New Hampshire Wildflower ID References
New Jersey Wildflower ID References
New Mexico Wildflower ID References
New York Wildflower ID References
North Carolina Wildflower ID References
North Dakota Wildflower ID References
Ohio Wildflower ID References
Oklahoma Wildflower ID References
Oregon Wildflower ID References
Pennsylvania Wildflower ID References
Rhode Island Wildflower ID References
South Carolina Wildflower ID References
South Dakota Wildflower ID References
Tennessee Wildflower ID References
Texas Wildflower ID References
Utah Wildflower ID References
Vermont Wildflower ID References
Virginia Wildflower ID References
Washington Wildflower ID References
West Virginia Wildflower ID References
Wisconsin Wildflower ID References
Wyoming Wildflower ID References
Great Smoky Mountains National Park ID
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Updated Feb 7, 2021