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US Wildflower's Database of Family Orchidaceae Wildflowers for Great Smoky Mountains National Park

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Example: Enter "lob" in the common name field and you'll get all our species that have "lobelia" in the common name, as well as "sharp-lobed hepatica".
Adam and Eve: Puttyroot Orchid, Adam and Eve
Aplectrum hyemale*
Aplectrum hyemale*
(Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family
Adder's Mouth Orchid: Green Adder's Mouth
Malaxis unifolia*
Malaxis unifolia*
(Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family
Crippled Cranefly: Tipularia, Cranefly Orchid, Crippled Cranefly Orchid
Tipularia discolor*
Tipularia discolor*
(Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family
Fringed Orchid: Yellow Fringed Orchid, Orange Fringed Orchid
Platanthera ciliaris*
Platanthera ciliaris*
(Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family
Fringed Orchid: Small Purple Fringed Orchid, Lesser Purple Fringed Orchid, Lesser Purple Fringed Bog-orchid
Platanthera psycodes*
Platanthera psycodes*
(Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family
Fringed Orchid: Small Green Wood Orchid, Club-Spur Orchid, Green Rein Orchid, Wood Orchid, Small Woodland Orchid
Platanthera clavellata*
Platanthera clavellata*
(Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family
Ladies Tresses: Ladies' Tresses, Northern Slender Lady's Tresses, Southern Slender Ladies' Tresses
Spiranthes lacera*
Spiranthes lacera*
(Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family
Ladyslipper: Pink Ladyslipper, Moccasin Flower
Cypripedium acaule*
Cypripedium acaule*
(Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family
Ladyslipper: Yellow Ladyslipper, Lesser Yellow Lady's Slipper, Greater Yellow Lady's Slipper, Small Flowered Yellow Lady's Slipper
Cypripedium parviflorum*
Cypripedium parviflorum*
(Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family
Noddingcaps: Three Bird Orchid, Threebirds, Nodding Pogonia, Nodding Ettercap
Triphora trianthophoros*
Triphora trianthophoros*
(Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family
Rattlesnake Plantain: Downy Rattlesnake Plantain, Downy Rattlesnake Orchid, Adder's Violet, Net-leaf Plantain
Goodyera pubescens*
Goodyera pubescens*
(Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family
Showy orchis, Galearis: Showy Orchis, Showy Orchid, Purple-hooded Orchid, Gay Orchid, Purple Orchis, Two-leaved orchis
Galearis spectabilis*
Galearis spectabilis*
(Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family
Spreading Pogonia: Upland Spreading Pogonia, Appalachian Small Spreading Pogonia, Small Spreading Pogonia, Small Rosebud Orchid, Funnel Crest
Cleistesiopsis bifaria*
Cleistesiopsis bifaria*
(Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family

Search Our Database: Enter any portion of the Scientific, Common Name, or both.
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Example: Enter "lob" in the common name field and you'll get all our species that have "lobelia" in the common name, as well as "sharp-lobed hepatica".

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Updated Feb 7, 2021