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Whorled Milkweed - Asclepias verticillata

Family: Apocynaceae - Dogbane family Genus Common Name: Milkweed Native Status: NativeDicot Perennial Herb
Asclepias verticillata - Whorled Milkweed. Asclepias verticillata has the typical milkweed blossom shape, but has very narrow leaves in whorls of 3 to 6 up the stem. The plant is normally erect; this specimen was hanging horizontally over a road bank.

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Asclepias verticillata

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Site: Gordon County, GA Date: 2009-August-16Photographer: Gerald C Williamson
Nikon D60
1/200f/8 ISO200
Tamron SP 90MM f/2.8 AF Macro
90mm (135 equiv)
Asclepias verticillata has the typical milkweed blossom shape
Asclepias verticillata

Site: Gordon County, GA Date: 2009-August-16Photographer: Gerald C Williamson
Nikon D60
1/200f/8 ISO200
Tamron SP 90MM f/2.8 AF Macro
90mm (135 equiv)
Whorled milkweed has the typical flower clusters at the end of the stem, but unlike most milkweeds, has very narrow leaves, usually less than .1" wide. The leaves are in whorls of 3 to 6 all the way up the stem. It is usually vertical; this specimen was hanging over a roadbank.
Click on the photo for a larger image
Asclepias verticillata

Asclepias verticillata initially published on USWildflowers.com 2009-08-16; Updated 2015-06-25

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All content except USDA Plants Database map Copyright Gerald C. Williamson 2025
Photographs Copyright owned by the named photographer

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