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US Wildflower's Database of Wildflowers for South Dakota

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Agrimony: Tall Hairy Agrimony, Common Agrimony, Hooked Agrimony, Tall Hairy Grooveburr
Agrimonia gryposepala*
Agrimonia gryposepala*
(Native) Family: Rosaceae - Rose family
Agrimony: Southern Agrimony, Harvest Lice, Swamp Agrimony, Small-flowered Agrimony
Agrimonia parviflora*
Agrimonia parviflora*
(Native) Family: Rosaceae - Rose family
Alfalfa: Black Medic, Black Hay, Hop Clover, Hop Medic, Yellow Trefoil
Medicago lupulina
Medicago lupulina
(Introduced) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family
American Toadflax: Blue Toadflax, Canada Toadflax, Oldfield Toadflax
Nuttallanthus canadensis*
Nuttallanthus canadensis*
(Native) Family: Plantaginaceae - Plantain family
Anemone: Wood Anemone, Nightcaps, Twoleaf Anemone
Anemone quinquefolia*
Anemone quinquefolia*
(Native) Family: Ranunculaceae - Buttercup family
Anemone: Thimbleweed, Tall Anemone
Anemone virginiana*
Anemone virginiana*
(Native) Family: Ranunculaceae - Buttercup family
Arrowhead: Common Arrowhead, Arrowleaf, Burhead, Wapato, Duck-potato, Broadleaf Arrowhead
Sagittaria latifolia*
Sagittaria latifolia*
(Native) Family: Alismataceae - Water-plantain family
Aster: New England Aster, Michaelmas-daisy
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae*
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Avens: White Avens, Canada Avens
Geum canadense*
Geum canadense*
(Native) Family: Rosaceae - Rose family
Balsamroot: Arrowleaf Balsamroot
Balsamorhiza sagittata*
Balsamorhiza sagittata*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Barberry: Creeping Oregon Grape, Creeping Barberry
Mahonia repens*
Mahonia repens*
(Native) Family: Berberidaceae - Barberry family
Beardtongue: Foxglove Beardtongue, Tall White Beardtongue, Mississippi Penstemon, Smooth White Beardtongue, Talus slope Beardtongue
Penstemon digitalis*
Penstemon digitalis*
(Native) Family: Plantaginaceae - Plantain family
Bee Plant: Rocky Mountain Bee Plant, Stinking Clover, Skunk Weed, Navajo Spinach
Peritoma serrulata*
Peritoma serrulata*
(Native) Family: Cleomaceae - Spiderflower Family
Bellflower: Tall Bellflower, American Bellflower
Campanulastrum americanum*
Campanulastrum americanum*
(Native) Family: Campanulaceae - Bellflower family
Bellflower: Bluebell Bellflower, Bluebell, Harebell, Bluebell-of-Scotland, Blue Rain Flower, Heathbells, Witches Thimbles
Campanula rotundifolia*
Campanula rotundifolia*
(Native) Family: Campanulaceae - Bellflower family
Bellwort: Large-flowered Bellwort
Uvularia grandiflora*
Uvularia grandiflora*
(Native) Family: Liliaceae - Lily family
Bellwort: Sessileleaf Bellwort, Wild Oats
Uvularia sessilifolia
Uvularia sessilifolia
(Native) Family: Liliaceae - Lily family
Bergamot, Beebalm: Wild Bergamot
Monarda fistulosa*
Monarda fistulosa*
(Native) Family: Lamiaceae - Mint family
Bittercress: Cutleaf Toothwort
Cardamine concatenata*
Cardamine concatenata*
(Native) Family: Brassicaceae - Mustard family
Blackberry: Thimbleberry, Western Thimbleberry, Salmonberry, Mountain Sorrel, White Flowering Raspberry, Western Thimble Raspberry
Rubus parviflorus*
Rubus parviflorus*
(Native) Family: Rosaceae - Rose family
Blanketflower: Indian Blanket, Indian Blanketflower, Firewheel
Gaillardia pulchella*
Gaillardia pulchella*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Bloodroot: Bloodroot, Red Indian Paint, Red Puccoon
Sanguinaria canadensis*
Sanguinaria canadensis*
(Native) Family: Papaveraceae - Poppy family
Blue Eyed Mary: Blue-eyed Mary, Maiden Blue Eyed Mary, Smallflower Blue Eyed Mary
Collinsia parviflora*
Collinsia parviflora*
(Native) Family: Plantaginaceae - Plantain family
Bluets: Tiny Bluet, Small Bluet, Least Bluet
Houstonia pusilla
Houstonia pusilla
(Native) Family: Rubiaceae - Madder family
Broomrape: One-flowered Broomrape ; One-flowered Cancer Root, Ghostpipe, Naked Broomrape
Orobanche uniflora*
Orobanche uniflora*
(Native) Family: Orobanchaceae - Broom-rape family
Bundleflower: Prairie Mimosa, Illinois Bundleflower, Prickleweed, Illinois Desmanthus
Desmanthus illinoensis*
Desmanthus illinoensis*
(Native) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family
Buttercup: Littleleaf Buttercup, Littleleaf Crowfoot
Ranunculus abortivus*
Ranunculus abortivus*
(Native) Family: Ranunculaceae - Buttercup family
Buttercup: Sagebrush Buttercup, Shiny-leaved Buttercup, Early Buttercup, Elliptical Buttercup
Ranunculus glaberrimus*
Ranunculus glaberrimus*
(Native) Family: Ranunculaceae - Buttercup family
Catchfly: Starry Campion, Widow's Frill
Silene stellata*
Silene stellata*
(Native) Family: Caryophyllaceae - Pink family
Catchfly: White Campion, White Cockle, Evening Lychnis
Silene latifolia*
Silene latifolia*
(Introduced) Family: Caryophyllaceae - Pink family
Chicory: Chicory
Cichorium intybus
Cichorium intybus
(Introduced) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Cinquefoil: Sulfur Cinquefoil, Roughfruit Cinquefoil
Potentilla recta*
Potentilla recta*
(Introduced) Family: Rosaceae - Rose family
Clarkia: Pinkfairies, Ragged Robin, Deerhorn Clarkia, Beautiful Clarkia
Clarkia pulchella*
Clarkia pulchella*
(Native) Family: Onagraceae - Evening Primrose family
Clover: White Clover
Trifolium repens
Trifolium repens
(Introduced) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family
Clover: Red Clover, Cowgrass
Trifolium pratense
Trifolium pratense
(Introduced) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family
Clover: Crimson Clover, Italian Clover
Trifolium incarnatum
Trifolium incarnatum
(Introduced) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family
Cohosh: Blue Cohosh
Caulophyllum thalictroides*
Caulophyllum thalictroides*
(Native) Family: Berberidaceae - Barberry family
Columbine: Eastern Red Columbine, Wild Columbine
Aquilegia canadensis*
Aquilegia canadensis*
(Native) Family: Ranunculaceae - Buttercup family
Coneflower: Black-eyed Susan
Rudbeckia hirta*
Rudbeckia hirta*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Coneflower: Green-headed Coneflower, Cutleaf Coneflower, Golden Glow
Rudbeckia laciniata*
Rudbeckia laciniata*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Cow Parsnip: American Cow Parsnip, Masterwort, American Hogweed, Common Cowparsnip
Heracleum maximum*
Heracleum maximum*
(Native) Family: Apiaceae - Carrot family
Daisy: Oxeye Daisy
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum
(Introduced) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Dandelion: Dandelion
Taraxacum officinale
Taraxacum officinale
(Introduced) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Dayflower: Asiatic Dayflower, Mouse Ears, Dew Herb
Commelina communis
Commelina communis
(Introduced) Family: Commelinaceae - Spiderwort family
Daylily: Common Daylily, Tawny Daylily, Orange Daylily
Hemerocallis fulva*
Hemerocallis fulva*
(Introduced) Family: Liliaceae - Lily family
Deadnettle: Henbit, Henbit Deadnettle
Lamium amplexicaule
Lamium amplexicaule
(Introduced) Family: Lamiaceae - Mint family
Dodder: Dodder Vine, Scaldweed
Cuscuta gronovii
Cuscuta gronovii
(Native) Family: Cuscutaceae - Dodder family
Dogwood: Red-osier Dogwood, Western Dogwood, American Dogwood
Cornus sericea*
Cornus sericea*
(Native) Family: Cornaceae - Dogwood family
Dogwood: Bunchberry, Bunchberry Dogwood, Dwarf Dogwood, Canadian Bunchberry, Dwarf Cornel, Creeping Dogwood
Cornus canadensis*
Cornus canadensis*
(Native) Family: Cornaceae - Dogwood family
Dutchman's Breeches: Dutchman's Breeches
Dicentra cucullaria*
Dicentra cucullaria*
(Native) Family: Fumariaceae - Fumitory family
Elderberry: Common Elderberry, American Elderberry, American Black Elderberry
Sambucus nigra ssp canadensis*
Sambucus nigra ssp canadensis*
(Native) Family: Adoxaceae - Muskroot Family
Elderberry: Red Elderberry, Red Elder, Rocky Mountain Elder, Scarlet Elderberry
Sambucus racemosa*
Sambucus racemosa*
(Native) Family: Adoxaceae - Muskroot Family
Evening Primrose: Common Evening Primrose, Evening Star, Sun Drop
Oenothera biennis*
Oenothera biennis*
(Native) Family: Onagraceae - Evening Primrose family
Fairy Slipper: Calypso Orchid, Fairy Slipper, Venus Slipper, Angel Slipper, Deer's Head Orchid
Calypso bulbosa*
Calypso bulbosa*
(Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family
False Foxglove: Slender Gerardia, Slenderleaf False Foxglove
Agalinis tenuifolia*
Agalinis tenuifolia*
(Native) Family: Orobanchaceae - Broom-rape family
False Indigo: Indigobush, False Indigo Bush, Desert False Indigo, Tall Indigo-bush
Amorpha fruticosa*
Amorpha fruticosa*
(Native) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family
False-buckwheat: Japanese Knotweed, Crimson Beauty, Mexican bamboo, Japanese Fleece Flower, Reynoutria
Fallopia japonica*
Fallopia japonica*
(Introduced) Family: Polygonaceae - Buckwheat family
Fireweed: Fireweed, Narrow-leaf fireweed, Willow Herb, Rosebay Willow Herb, Blooming Sally
Chamerion angustifolium*
Chamerion angustifolium*
(Native) Family: Onagraceae - Evening Primrose family
Flatsedge: False Nutsedge, Strawcolored Flatsedge, Strawcolor Nutgrass
Cyperus strigosus*
Cyperus strigosus*
(Native) Family: Cyperaceae - Sedge family
Flax: Wild Blue Flax, Lewis Flax, Prairie Flax
Linum lewisii
Linum lewisii
(Native) Family: Linaceae - Flax family
Fleabane: Eastern daisy fleabane
Erigeron annuus*
Erigeron annuus*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Fleabane: Philadelphia Fleabane
Erigeron philadelphicus*
Erigeron philadelphicus*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Fleabane: Prairie Fleabane, Lesser Daisy Fleabane
Erigeron strigosus*
Erigeron strigosus*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Fluxweed: False Pennyroyal, Fluxweed, Glade Bluecurls
Isanthus brachiatus*
Isanthus brachiatus*
(Native) Family: Lamiaceae - Mint family
Fogfruit: Fogfruit, Lanceleaf Fogfruit, Northern Fogfruit
Phyla lanceolata*
Phyla lanceolata*
(Native) Family: Verbenaceae - Verbena family
Geranium: Wild Geranium, Spotted geranium, Cranesbill
Geranium maculatum*
Geranium maculatum*
(Native) Family: Geraniaceae - Geranium family
Geranium: Sticky Purple Geranium, Sticky Wild Geranium
Geranium viscosissimum*
Geranium viscosissimum*
(Native) Family: Geraniaceae - Geranium family
Geranium: Carolina Geranium, Carolina Cranesbill
Geranium carolinianum*
Geranium carolinianum*
(Native) Family: Geraniaceae - Geranium family
Germander: American Germander, Wood Sage, Canada Germander
Teucrium canadense*
Teucrium canadense*
(Native) Family: Lamiaceae - Mint family
Glechoma: Ground Ivy, Gill-over-the-ground, Haymaids, Creeping Charlie
Glechoma hederacea
Glechoma hederacea
(Introduced) Family: Lamiaceae - Mint family
Goatsbeard: Yellow Salsify, Yellow Goatsbeard, Western Salsify, Wild Oysterplant
Tragopogon dubius*
Tragopogon dubius*
(Introduced) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Goldenrod: Tall Goldenrod, Late Goldenrod, Canada Goldenrod
Solidago altissima*
Solidago altissima*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Groundcherry: Virginia Groundcherry, Ground Cherry, Lanceleaf Groundcherry, Hog Plum, Husk Tomato
Physalis virginiana*
Physalis virginiana*
(Native) Family: Solanaceae - Potato family
Groundnut: Groundnut, Potato Bean, Indian Potato, Virginia Potato, Wild Bean, Wild Sweet Potato
Apios americana*
Apios americana*
(Native) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family
Gumweed: Curlycup Gumweed, Curlytop Gumweed
Grindelia squarrosa*
Grindelia squarrosa*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Hawkweed: Orange Hawkweed, Devil's Paintbrush
Hieracium aurantiacum*
Hieracium aurantiacum*
(Introduced) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Hogpeanut: American Hogpeanut
Amphicarpaea bracteata*
Amphicarpaea bracteata*
(Native) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family
Horsetail: Smooth Horsetail, Smooth Scouring Rush
Equisetum laevigatum
Equisetum laevigatum
(Native) Family: Equisetaceae - Horsetail family
Hound's tongue: Wild Comfrey, Wild Hound's-tongue, Blue Houndstongue
Cynoglossum virginianum*
Cynoglossum virginianum*
(Native) Family: Boraginaceae - Borage family
Hound's tongue: Houndstongue, Hound's Tongue, Gypsyflower
Cynoglossum officinale*
Cynoglossum officinale*
(Introduced) Family: Boraginaceae - Borage family
Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Indian Turnip: Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Indian Turnip, Jack in the Pulpit,
Arisaema triphyllum*
Arisaema triphyllum*
(Native) Family: Araceae - Arum family
Jimsonweed: Jimsonweed, Jamestown Weed, Mad Apple, Moon Flower, Stinkwort, Thorn Apple, Devil's Trumpet
Datura stramonium*
Datura stramonium*
(Introduced) Family: Solanaceae - Potato family
Joe Pye Weed: Spotted Joe Pye Weed, Purple Boneset, Spotted Trumpetweed
Eutrochium maculatum*
Eutrochium maculatum*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Knapweed: Bachelor's Button, Bluebottle, Cornflower, Garden Cornflower
Centaurea cyanus*
Centaurea cyanus*
(Introduced) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Ladyslipper: Yellow Ladyslipper, Lesser Yellow Lady's Slipper, Greater Yellow Lady's Slipper, Small Flowered Yellow Lady's Slipper
Cypripedium parviflorum*
Cypripedium parviflorum*
(Native) Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family
Larkspur: Carolina Larkspur, Blue Larkspur, Glade Larkspur, Prairie Larkspur, Pine Woods Larkspur
Delphinium carolinianum*
Delphinium carolinianum*
(Native) Family: Ranunculaceae - Buttercup family
Leather Flower: Western Clematis, Western White Clematis, Western Virgin's Bower, Creek Clematis, Old Man's Beard, Pepper Vine
Clematis ligusticifolia*
Clematis ligusticifolia*
(Native) Family: Ranunculaceae - Buttercup family
Leather Flower: Vase-flower, Sugarbowl, Leather-flower, Hairy Clematis
Clematis hirsutissima*
Clematis hirsutissima*
(Native) Family: Ranunculaceae - Buttercup family
Leather Flower: Virgin's Bower, Devil's Darning Needles, Old Man's Beard
Clematis virginiana*
Clematis virginiana*
(Native) Family: Ranunculaceae - Buttercup family
Lettuce: Wild Lettuce, Canada Lettuce
Lactuca canadensis*
Lactuca canadensis*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Lettuce: Woodland Lettuce, Florida Blue Lettuce, False Lettuce
Lactuca floridana
Lactuca floridana
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Lettuce: Prickly Lettuce, China Lettuce
Lactuca serriola*
Lactuca serriola*
(Introduced) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Lily: Wood Lily, Mountain Lily
Lilium philadelphicum*
Lilium philadelphicum*
(Native) Family: Liliaceae - Lily family
Lionsheart: Obedient Plant, False Dragonhead, Obedience
Physostegia virginiana*
Physostegia virginiana*
(Native) Family: Lamiaceae - Mint family
Lobelia: Great Blue Lobelia, Blue Cardinal Flower
Lobelia siphilitica*
Lobelia siphilitica*
(Native) Family: Campanulaceae - Bellflower family
Lobelia: Palespike Lobelia, Pale Spiked Lobelia
Lobelia spicata*
Lobelia spicata*
(Native) Family: Campanulaceae - Bellflower family
Lobelia: Ontario Lobelia, Brook Lobelia, Bog Lobelia, Kalm's Lobelia
Lobelia kalmii*
Lobelia kalmii*
(Native) Family: Campanulaceae - Bellflower family
Loosestrife: Purple Loosestrife, Rosy Strife, Kill Weed
Lythrum salicaria*
Lythrum salicaria*
(Introduced) Family: Lythraceae - Loosestrife family
Lopseed: Lopseed, American Lopseed
Phryma leptostachya*
Phryma leptostachya*
(Native) Family: Phrymaceae - Lopseed Family
Lousewort: Wood Betony; Canadian Lousewort
Pedicularis canadensis
Pedicularis canadensis
(Native) Family: Orobanchaceae - Broom-rape family
Lupine: Silvery Lupine, Silver Stem Lupine
Lupinus argenteus*
Lupinus argenteus*
(Native) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family
Maidenhair Fern: Northern Maidenhair, Five-Fingered Maidenhair Fern
Adiantum pedatum
Adiantum pedatum
(Native) Family: Pteridaceae - Maidenhair Fern family
Mayflower: False Solomon's Seal, Feathery False Lily of the Valley, Solomon's Plume
Maianthemum racemosum*
Maianthemum racemosum*
(Native) Family: Liliaceae - Lily family
Mayflower: Starry False Solomon's Seal, Starry False Lily of the Valley, Starflower False Solomon's Seal Star-flowered Solomon's Plume
Maianthemum stellatum*
Maianthemum stellatum*
(Native) Family: Liliaceae - Lily family
Mayweed: Mayweed, Stinking Chamomile, Dog Fennel
Anthemis cotula
Anthemis cotula
(Introduced) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Mayweed: Pineapple Weed, Wild Chamomile, Rayless Chamomile, Disc Mayweed
Matricaria discoidea*
Matricaria discoidea*
(Introduced) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Meadow-rue: Skunk Meadow Rue, Waxyleaf Meadowrue, Purple Meadow-rue
Thalictrum revolutum*
Thalictrum revolutum*
(Native) Family: Ranunculaceae - Buttercup family
Milkvetch: Canada Milkvetch, Little Rattlepod
Astragalus canadensis*
Astragalus canadensis*
(Native) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family
Milkweed: Whorled Milkweed
Asclepias verticillata*
Asclepias verticillata*
(Native) Family: Apocynaceae - Dogbane family
Milkweed: Butterfly Milkweed, Butterfly Weed, Pleurisy Root, Orange Milkweed
Asclepias tuberosa*
Asclepias tuberosa*
(Native) Family: Apocynaceae - Dogbane family
Milkweed: Common Milkweed, Silkweed
Asclepias syriaca*
Asclepias syriaca*
(Native) Family: Apocynaceae - Dogbane family
Milkweed: Swamp Milkweed, Western Swamp Milkweed, Pink Milkweed, Eastern Swamp Milkweed
Asclepias incarnata*
Asclepias incarnata*
(Native) Family: Apocynaceae - Dogbane family
Monkeyflower: Yellow Monkeyflower, Common Monkeyflower, Seep Monkeyflower
Mimulus guttatus
Mimulus guttatus
(Native) Family: Phrymaceae - Lopseed Family
Morning Glory: Hedge Bindweed, Hedge False Bindweed
Calystegia sepium*
Calystegia sepium*
(Native) Family: Convolvulaceae - Morning-glory family
Morning Glory: Ivyleaf Morning Glory, Entireleaf Morningglory, Small Morning Glory
Ipomoea hederacea*
Ipomoea hederacea*
(Introduced) Family: Convolvulaceae - Morning-glory family
Mullein: Common Mullein, Great Mullein, Cowboy Toilet Paper, Flannel-plant
Verbascum thapsus*
Verbascum thapsus*
(Introduced) Family: Scrophulariaceae - Figwort family
Mullein: Moth Mullein
Verbascum blattaria
Verbascum blattaria
(Introduced) Family: Scrophulariaceae - Figwort family
Nightshade: Carolina Horse Nettle, Bull Nettle, Devil's Tomato
Solanum carolinense
Solanum carolinense
(Native) Family: Solanaceae - Potato family
Nightshade: Climbing Nightshade, Bittersweet Nightshade, Woody Nightshade, European Bittersweet, Fellenwort, Blue Nightshade
Solanum dulcamara*
Solanum dulcamara*
(Introduced) Family: Solanaceae - Potato family
Onion: Wild Garlic, Meadow Garlic
Allium canadense
Allium canadense
(Native) Family: Amaryllidaceae - Amaryllis family
Onion: Glade Onion, Prairie Onion, Cliff Onion, Autumn Onion, Lady's Leek, Wild Onion
Allium stellatum*
Allium stellatum*
(Native) Family: Amaryllidaceae - Amaryllis family
Onion: Nodding Wild Onion, Nodding Onion, Allegheny Onion
Allium cernuum*
Allium cernuum*
(Native) Family: Amaryllidaceae - Amaryllis family
Partridge Pea: Partridge Pea, Sleepingplant
Chamaecrista fasciculata*
Chamaecrista fasciculata*
(Native) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family
Pea: Perennial Pea, Sweet Pea, Everlasting Pea
Lathyrus latifolius
Lathyrus latifolius
(Introduced) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family
Pearly Everlasting: Pearly Everlasting, Western Pearly Everlasting
Anaphalis margaritacea*
Anaphalis margaritacea*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Phacelia: Silverleaf Phacelia, Timberline Phacelia, Mountain Phacelia
Phacelia hastata*
Phacelia hastata*
(Native) Family: Hydrophyllaceae - Waterleaf family
Phacelia: Threadleaf Phacelia, Narrow Leaved Phacelia, Carson's Phacelia, Threadleaf Scorpionweed
Phacelia linearis*
Phacelia linearis*
(Native) Family: Hydrophyllaceae - Waterleaf family
Phlox: Downy Phlox
Phlox pilosa
Phlox pilosa
(Native) Family: Polemoniaceae - Phlox family
Phlox: Wild Blue Phlox, Woodland Phlox, Sweet William, Louisiana Phlox
Phlox divaricata*
Phlox divaricata*
(Native) Family: Polemoniaceae - Phlox family
Phlox: Spreading Phlox
Phlox diffusa*
Phlox diffusa*
(Native) Family: Polemoniaceae - Phlox family
Pincushion: Dusty Maidens, Douglas' Dustymaiden, Chaenactis, Douglas False Yarrow
Chaenactis douglasii*
Chaenactis douglasii*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Pink: Deptford Pink, Mountain Pink
Dianthus armeria*
Dianthus armeria*
(Introduced) Family: Caryophyllaceae - Pink family
Plantain: Narrowleaf Plantain, English Plantain, Buckhorn, Lanceleaf Plantain, Ribwort, Buckhorn, Ribgrass
Plantago lanceolata
Plantago lanceolata
(Introduced) Family: Plantaginaceae - Plantain family
Plantain: Virginia Plantain, Dwarf Plantain, Southern Plantain, Hoary Plantain, Paleseed Indianwheat
Plantago virginica*
Plantago virginica*
(Native) Family: Plantaginaceae - Plantain family
Plum: Chokecherry, Western Chokecherry, Black Chokecherry
Prunus virginiana*
Prunus virginiana*
(Native) Family: Rosaceae - Rose family
Plum: American Plum, Wild Plum
Prunus americana*
Prunus americana*
(Native) Family: Rosaceae - Rose family
Plumeless Thistle: Bristle Thistle, Musk Thistle, Nodding Thistle, Nodding Plumeless Thistle
Carduus nutans*
Carduus nutans*
(Introduced) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Poison Oak: Eastern Poison Ivy
Toxicodendron radicans*
Toxicodendron radicans*
(Native) Family: Anacardiaceae - Cashew or Sumac family
Poison Oak: Western Poison Ivy, Northern Poison Ivy
Toxicodendron rydbergii*
Toxicodendron rydbergii*
(Native) Family: Anacardiaceae - Cashew or Sumac family
Pond-lily: Yellow Pond Lily, Cowlily, Spatterdock
Nuphar lutea*
Nuphar lutea*
(Native) Family: Nymphaeaceae - Water-lily family
Prairie Coneflower: Pinnate Prairie Coneflower, Yellow Coneflower, Grayhead Coneflower
Ratibida pinnata*
Ratibida pinnata*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Prairie Coneflower: Mexican Hat, Long-Headed Coneflower, Red Coneflower, Upright Prairie Coneflower, Thimbleflower
Ratibida columnifera*
Ratibida columnifera*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Prickly Pear: Eastern Prickly Pear, Low Prickly Pear Cactus, Devil's Tongue, Indian Fig, Common Eastern Prickly Pear
Opuntia humifusa*
Opuntia humifusa*
(Native) Family: Cactaceae - Cactus family
Prince's Plume: Desert Prince's Plume, Golden Prince's Plume, Golden Desert Plume, Sentinel Of The Plains
Stanleya pinnata*
Stanleya pinnata*
(Native) Family: Brassicaceae - Mustard family
Queen Anne's Lace: Queen Anne's Lace, Wild Carrot
Daucus carota*
Daucus carota*
(Introduced) Family: Apiaceae - Carrot family
Ragweed: Great Ragweed, Buffalo Weed, Horseweed, Giant Ragweed, Tall Ambrosia
Ambrosia trifida*
Ambrosia trifida*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Ragweed: Common Ragweed, Annual Ragweed, Small Ragweed, Roman Wormwood
Ambrosia artemisiifolia*
Ambrosia artemisiifolia*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Ragwort: Butterweed, Yellowtop, Cressleaf Groundsel, Floodplain Ragwort
Packera glabella*
Packera glabella*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Rockcress: Smooth Rockcress, Common Smooth Rock Cress
Boechera laevigata*
Boechera laevigata*
(Native) Family: Brassicaceae - Mustard family
Rocket: Dame's Rocket, Damask Violet, Night-scented Gilliflower, Queen's Gilliflower, Mother-of-the-evening, Summer Lilac
Hesperis matronalis*
Hesperis matronalis*
(Introduced) Family: Brassicaceae - Mustard family
Rose: Woods Rose, Common Wild Rose, Mountain Rose
Rosa woodsii*
Rosa woodsii*
(Native) Family: Rosaceae - Rose family
Selfheal: Heal-All, Common Selfheal
Prunella vulgaris*
Prunella vulgaris*
(Native) Family: Lamiaceae - Mint family
Shrubby Cinquefoil: Shrubby Cinquefoil, Shrubby Five-finger, Golden Hardhack
Dasiphora fruticosa*
Dasiphora fruticosa*
(Native) Family: Rosaceae - Rose family
Smartweed: Water Knotweed, Swamp Smartweed, Water Smartweed
Persicaria amphibia*
Persicaria amphibia*
(Native) Family: Polygonaceae - Buckwheat family
Smartweed: Dotted Smartweed, Dotted Knotweed, Water Smartweed
Persicaria punctata*
Persicaria punctata*
(Native) Family: Polygonaceae - Buckwheat family
Sneezeweed: Autumn Sneezeweed, Common Sneezeweed, False Sunflower, Staggerwort, Yellow Star
Helenium autumnale*
Helenium autumnale*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Snowberry: Common Snowberry, Upright Snowberry
Symphoricarpos albus*
Symphoricarpos albus*
(Native) Family: Caprifoliaceae - Honeysuckle family
Soapwort: Cowcockle, Cow Soapwort, Cowherb
Vaccaria hispanica*
Vaccaria hispanica*
(Introduced) Family: Caryophyllaceae - Pink family
Soapwort: Bouncing Bet, Common Soapwort, Crow Soap, Wild Sweet William, Soapweed
Saponaria officinalis*
Saponaria officinalis*
(Introduced) Family: Caryophyllaceae - Pink family
Solomon's Seal : Smooth Solomon's Seal
Polygonatum biflorum*
Polygonatum biflorum*
(Native) Family: Liliaceae - Lily family
Speedwell: Bird's Eye Speedwell, Persian Speedwell, Birdeye Speedwell, Winter Speedwell
Veronica persica*
Veronica persica*
(Introduced) Family: Scrophulariaceae - Figwort family
Speedwell: Water Speedwell, Sessile Water-speedwell, Brook-pimpernell, Blue Water Speedwell
Veronica anagallis-aquatica*
Veronica anagallis-aquatica*
(Introduced) Family: Scrophulariaceae - Figwort family
Spindletree: Burningbush, Eastern Wahoo, Spindle Tree, Indian Arrow-Wood
Euonymus atropurpureus*
Euonymus atropurpureus*
(Native) Family: Celastraceae - Bittersweet family
Spiraea: White Meadowsweet, Narrowleaf Meadowsweet, Eastern Meadowsweet, Broadleaf Meadowsweet
Spiraea alba*
Spiraea alba*
(Native) Family: Rosaceae - Rose family
Spring Beauty: Miner's Lettuce, Indian Lettuce, Winter Purslane
Claytonia perfoliata*
Claytonia perfoliata*
(Native) Family: Portulacaceae - Purslane family
Spurge: Flowering Spurge, Blooming Spurge, Emetic Root
Euphorbia corollata*
Euphorbia corollata*
(Native) Family: Euphorbiaceae - Spurge family
Spurge: Wild Poinsettia, Mexican Fireplant, Fire on the Mountain, Painted Euphorbia, Desert Poinsettia
Euphorbia cyathophora
Euphorbia cyathophora
(Native) Family: Euphorbiaceae - Spurge family
Spurge: Snow-on-the-Mountain, Mountain Snow Spurge
Euphorbia marginata*
Euphorbia marginata*
(Native) Family: Euphorbiaceae - Spurge family
Star Grass: Yellow Star Grass, Common Goldstar
Hypoxis hirsuta*
Hypoxis hirsuta*
(Native) Family: Hypoxidaceae - African Potato family
Starwort: Common Chickweed
Stellaria media*
Stellaria media*
(Introduced) Family: Caryophyllaceae - Pink family
Stoneseed: Hoary Puccoon, Orange Puccoon, Indian Paint
Lithospermum canescens*
Lithospermum canescens*
(Native) Family: Boraginaceae - Borage family
Storksbill: Crane's Bill Geranium, Redstem Stork's Bill, Storksbill, Redstem Filaree, Heron's Bill
Erodium cicutarium*
Erodium cicutarium*
(Introduced) Family: Geraniaceae - Geranium family
Strawberry: Virginia Strawberry, Wild Strawberry
Fragaria virginiana
Fragaria virginiana
(Native) Family: Rosaceae - Rose family
Sumac: Fragrant Sumac, Aromatic Sumac, Squawbush, Skunkbush, Lemon Sumac, Polecat Bush
Rhus aromatica*
Rhus aromatica*
(Native) Family: Anacardiaceae - Cashew or Sumac family
Sumac: Smooth Sumac, Scarlet Sumac
Rhus glabra*
Rhus glabra*
(Native) Family: Anacardiaceae - Cashew or Sumac family
Sunflower: Jerusalem Artichoke, Jerusalem Sunflower, Sunchoke, Girasole
Helianthus tuberosus*
Helianthus tuberosus*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Sunflower: Common Sunflower, Kansas Sunflower, Mirasol
Helianthus annuus*
Helianthus annuus*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Sweetclover: Yellow Sweetclover, Yellow Melilot, Common Melilot, Field Melilot, Cornilla Real, White Sweetclover
Melilotus officinalis*
Melilotus officinalis*
(Introduced) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family
Sweetclover: White Sweetclover, White Melilot, Honey-Clover, Bokhara Clover
Melilotus albus*
Melilotus albus*
(Introduced) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family
Sweetroot: Longstyle Sweetroot, Sweet Anise, Aniseroot
Osmorhiza longistylis
Osmorhiza longistylis
(Native) Family: Apiaceae - Carrot family
Tansy: Common Tansy, Golden Buttons, Bitter Buttons, Cow Bitter, Garden Tansy
Tanacetum vulgare*
Tanacetum vulgare*
(Introduced) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Thistle: Bull Thistle, Spear Thistle
Cirsium vulgare
Cirsium vulgare
(Introduced) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Thoroughwort: Boneset, Common Boneset, Feverwort, Indian Sage, Wild Isaac
Eupatorium perfoliatum*
Eupatorium perfoliatum*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family
Toadflax: Dalmation Toadflax, Broadleaf Toadflax
Linaria dalmatica*
Linaria dalmatica*
(Introduced) Family: Plantaginaceae - Plantain family
Toadflax: Butter-and-eggs, Common Toadflax, Yellow Toadflax, Wild Snapdragon
Linaria vulgaris*
Linaria vulgaris*
(Introduced) Family: Plantaginaceae - Plantain family
Touch-me-not : Jewelweed, Touch-me-not, Spotted jewelweed
Impatiens capensis*
Impatiens capensis*
(Native) Family: Balsaminaceae - Touch-me-not family
Touch-me-not: Pale Touch-me-not, Pale Snapweed
Impatiens pallida*
Impatiens pallida*
(Native) Family: Balsaminaceae - Touch-me-not family
Trefoil: Bird's Foot Trefoil, Birdfoot Deervetch, Bloomfell, Cat's Clover, Crowtoes, Ground Honeysuckle
Lotus corniculatus*
Lotus corniculatus*
(Introduced) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family
Trillium: White Trillium, Nodding Wakerobin, Bent White Trillium, Bent Trillium, Drooping Trillium, Declined Trillium
Trillium flexipes*
Trillium flexipes*
(Native) Family: Liliaceae - Lily family
Trumpet Creeper: Trumpet Creeper, Cow Itch, Hell Vine, Devil's Shoestring
Campsis radicans*
Campsis radicans*
(Native) Family: Bignoniaceae - Bignonia family
Trumpet Flower: Narrowleaf Collomia, Tiny Trumpet, Narrow-leaf Mountain Trumpet
Collomia linearis*
Collomia linearis*
(Native) Family: Polemoniaceae - Phlox family
Venus' Looking-glass: Venus' Looking Glass, Clasping Bellwort, Clasping Venus' Looking Glass, Roundleaved Triodanis
Triodanis perfoliata*
Triodanis perfoliata*
(Native) Family: Campanulaceae - Bellflower family
Vervain: White Vervain, Nettle-leaf Verbena
Verbena urticifolia*
Verbena urticifolia*
(Native) Family: Verbenaceae - Verbena family
Vetch: Crown Vetch, Purple Crown Vetch, Axseed, Hive Vine
Coronilla varia*
Coronilla varia*
(Introduced) Family: Fabaceae - Pea family
Violet : Common Blue Violet, Confederate Violet, Dooryard Violet, Meadow Violet
Viola sororia*
Viola sororia*
(Native) Family: Violaceae - Violet family
Violet : Canada Violet
Viola canadensis*
Viola canadensis*
(Native) Family: Violaceae - Violet family
Violet: Field Pansy, Wild Pansy, Johnny Jump-up
Viola bicolor*
Viola bicolor*
(Native) Family: Violaceae - Violet family
Viper's Bugloss: Viper's Bugloss, Blueweed, Blue Devil, Blue Borage, Common Echium
Echium vulgare*
Echium vulgare*
(Introduced) Family: Boraginaceae - Borage family
Water Horehound, Bugleweed: Northern Bugleweed, Northern Water Horehound
Lycopus uniflorus*
Lycopus uniflorus*
(Native) Family: Lamiaceae - Mint family
Waterlily: American White Water Lily, Fragrant Water Lily, White Water Lily
Nymphaea odorata
Nymphaea odorata
(Native) Family: Nymphaeaceae - Water-lily family
Wild Ginger: Common Wild Ginger, Canadian Wild Ginger
Asarum canadense*
Asarum canadense*
(Native) Family: Aristolochiaceae - Birthwort family
Wintergreen, Shinleaf: American Wintergreen, Round-leaved Pyrola, Rounded Shinleaf
Pyrola americana*
Pyrola americana*
(Native) Family: Ericaceae - Heath family
Wood Sorrel: Violet Wood Sorrel
Oxalis violacea*
Oxalis violacea*
(Native) Family: Oxalidaceae - Wood-Sorrel family
Wood Sorrel: Slender Yellow Woodsorrel, Southern Yellow Wood-sorrel, Dillen's Oxalis
Oxalis dillenii*
Oxalis dillenii*
(Native) Family: Oxalidaceae - Wood-Sorrel family
Woodland-star: Smallflower Woodland-star
Lithophragma parviflorum
Lithophragma parviflorum
(Native) Family: Saxifragaceae - Saxifrage family
Yarrow: Common Yarrow, Milfoil
Achillea millefolium*
Achillea millefolium*
(Native) Family: Asteraceae - Aster family

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Updated Feb 7, 2021